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For interested schools, we are offering various opportunities to experience our performance live. But it doesn't stop here - we want to make the content accessible in a variety of ways.
You have the option of inviting The BIG Picture to your school as a guest performance. Free follow-up talks and discussions with your students will complete the theatre visit at your school. A more in-depth and interactive discussion is also available in the form of workshops, for example as part of project days.
You can find a concise summary of the most important information here. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!
1. Who is the target audience?
Young people from the age of 13. Previous theatre experience is not necessary.
2. What’s the running time?
The play runs for just under 60 minutes. Experience shows, that there is a need for discussion afterwards. Therefore, performances always include the offer of an additional follow-up discussion of a maximum of 30 minutes to exchange ideas and answer questions.
3. How much time do you have to invest if want to book The BIG
Finding a suitable date for the performance - a phone call with us.
Arranging for the visit / organising the classes attending the performance and finding a suitable room / location at your school.
Performance of The BIG Picture (60 minutes) and optional follow-up talk (max. 30 minutes). You might consider booking an additional workshop.
Welcoming our team at the school on the day of the performance (approx. 90 minutes before the start)
4. How many students can come to see the performance?
We play for small groups of singe classes and for larger audiences of several classes up to a maximum of 150 students.
5. What are the requirements concerning the location?
The room has to have a stage surface or playing area of approx. 8x8 metres (smaller may be possible but is subject to prior consultation), seating for the students and at least one electrical outlet / socket (220 V). A ceiling height of about four meters would be ideal. Since we are working with projections, the room should be darkened or at least not flooded with light. An auditorium, a foyer or a gymnasium for example, are suitable for the performance. Additionally, a room is needed where the two actresses can change and prepare.
6. Is there a need for additional technical support from the school?
No - we just need an electrical outlet in the performance space and a person who can answer any questions that may arise.
7. What are the main topics discussed in The BIG Picture?
The BIG Picture is a performance that encourages independent thought and action and ignites a sense of responsibility for the world we live in.
The focus lies on issues that really concern (young) people, that are part of their realm of experience and that they are confronted with on a daily basis:
How do I experience the world around me, how do I relate to it, what role do I play in it and what role could I possibly play?
It is about civic courage, self-empowerment and the question of how we can influence and change our immediate environment, maybe even the world - a little bit - with our actions, with our own abilities. All we need is our bodies and our voices.
Two female performers on stage are telling stories of well known and lesser known people They are inspiring their audience with anecdotes of young heroes and world-famous icons. People, who put their visions into action and take responsibility. Who question rules, traditions and habits and who dare to shape the future. For the world can be changed.
Your body is your tool.
Comment of a student from the Geschwister-Scholl-Gymnasium, Münster: "What strikes me most about this performance - I don't want to forget any of the issues that have been raised here".
8. How can The BIG Picture be embedded in the curriculum?
The BIG Picture can be perfectly incorporated into subjects such as history, philosophy, politics or social science, as the production picks up precisely where teaching might reach its limits. And this is done in an approachable, entertaining and, above all, humorous way.
A lesson in life brought to you on stage.
Quote from a teacher: "The BIG Picture achieves in one hour what I try to teach my students in an entire school year“.
9. What is the best preparation and the best follow-up for The BIG
Picture? Can I book a workshop?
As a teacher, you can prepare and follow up The BIG Picture yourself or book a workshop with us.
The following options are available:
a) A follow-up discussion with the actresses after the performance. (free of charge)
b) Booking a preparatory workshop of 60 - 90 minutes, max. one school class.
(subject to a fee)
c) Booking a follow-up workshop of 60 minutes up to organising a project week, max. one school class. (subject to a fee)
We have two drama teachers on our team so two classes can take a workshop parallel at the same time.
10. What is happening in the workshops?
Preparatory workshop: We work with the main topics of The BIG Picture: civic courage, self-empowerment and the effectiveness of one's own actions. The techniques and methods of theatre pedagogy are the framework for our workshops.
Follow-up workshop: After the students have seen the performance we discuss and reflect along the lines of the following questions:
Which actions or examples do you remember?
Which were the most inspiring examples you saw and why?
Are there things in this world you would like to change?
What are skills that you would say you are good at?
Can you think of an action or campaign that we could develop together, something that would make a difference, bring about change or draw attention to something important?
Could we do that together now?
Depending on the length of the workshop, it includes everything from a follow-up discussion to the development of a joint idea to the realisation of a joint action. The main question is: What can I do to make things change for the better? - Because: hey, it can’t be that hard!
11. What is the standard procedure for workshops?
Preparatory Workshop: In the case of a preparatory workshop: Our drama teacher will visit your school prior to the performance at an agreed time. He or she will meet with the class in the classroom or in a separately organised larger room. During the workshop students are made familiar with the main topics of the performance in a playful way using improv and exercises.
Follow-up workshop: There are two options here: Our drama teacher gives a workshop directly after a performance or we could schedule a visit at your school on a different date.
Depending on the duration of the workshop, different modules are available:
one school lesson: a follow-up discussion referring to the pictures of positive actions shown in the performance. Where do people have initiated small and big changes? A playful interaction with the group: Which action do I remember and why?
two school lessons: based on the follow-up discussion focussing on the following questions: What would I like to have an impact on? What would I like to change for the better?
one school day: this takes it a step further: What could I do specifically to change the world for the better (even my small world surrounding me)? What joint action could we take to achieve this?
several project days: planning and carrying out a joint action.
12. What kind of space is needed for the workshop?
A larger room (gym or dance studio) would be ideal, but a classroom is also sufficient.
13. Do I, as a teacher, have to take part in the workshop?
The presence of a teacher is not required.
14. Who will be running the workshop?
The workshops are lead by one of our two drama teachers.
15. Is there accompanying material available for teachers
As part of the development of the performance, we compiled a drama education folder, which we will be happy to send to you free of charge on request.
16. Why should I book The BIG Picture?
The BIG Picture is more than information. It is political education in an entertaining way. It is accessible, surprising and framed by impressive images.
The BIG Picture is a playful lecture performance: knowledge transfer meets theatre and triggers discussions about the world through aesthetic perceptions and thus encourages young people to participate in political and social life.
17. Why is it important for my students to see The BIG Picture?
The BIG Picture is a performance that wants to get to the heart of things. It draws its subjects from a world that sometimes goes off the rails and is therefore in urgent need of positive change.
It is an inspiring and powerful call to action that encourages young people to empower themselves and participate in political and social life.
The students recognise the importance of civic courage and self-determination and learn about their potential for self-efficacy. An essential building block on their way to becoming responsible citizens in our democracy.
18. Who do I contact for further questions?
For any questions you can contact Corinna Riesz:
19. How much will it cost?
We will be happy to send you a quote on request and help you to explore different financing options.
20. How do I book?
If you want to book The BIG Picture please contact Corinna Riesz: kontakt@fetter-fisch.de
After that we will take care of all the details. We are looking forward to your enquiry.